Typical Set of Drawings List for Residential Building Permits

Sheet index

Site & project info

Site plan

Plot plan- Atypical

General notes

Energy code notes

Energy code notes

Foundation plan

Basement plan

Main floor plan

Roof plan

Exterior elevations

Exterior elevations


Building sections

Building sections




Door and window schedules



Glazing schedule

Heating system sizing worksheet

Single-family prescriptive worksheet


Structural plans by other

Fire sprinkler plans by others.


Grading and draining plans for projects over 2,000 sq. By others

Plot plans, if there are any. By others

Drainage narrative. If there is any. By others

Septic design for projects without sewer systems. By others

Water/sewer availability letter for new construction. By  owner

Fire flow letter for new construction. By  owner

Soil study, if there is any. By others


Referral Permits:


Mechanical Plans

Plumbing Plans

Electrical Plans,

Street use, if there is any.

Shoring, if there is any.